Call for applications: experts in tuberculosis research invited to join ERI-TB core group for 2020–2022


The secretariat of the European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (ERI-TB) at WHO/Europe seeks a maximum of 12 candidates with expertise in tuberculosis (TB) research to succeed current core group members of ERI-TB. According to the terms of reference of ERI-TB, core group members are selected for a period of 2.5–3 years. The first meeting of the newly appointed core group will be held jointly with outgoing members.

Candidates will:

  • be researchers, and public health practitioners and experts; and representatives of national TB programmes, academic institutions, nongovernmental and civil society organizations, technical and funding agencies, community and patient organizations, and other relevant stakeholders;
  • have substantial expertise in TB and drug-resistant TB, especially: diagnosis, treatment and care, health systems and governance, intersectoral collaboration, surveillance and response monitoring, and addressing social determinants and stigma;
  • be currently engaged in activities in countries of the WHO European Region.

Current members of the ERI-TB core group are encouraged to apply for renewal of their membership status. However, all received applications will be equally considered, regardless of the core group membership status of candidates.

Deadline for applications

10 December 2019

How to apply

Interested individuals are invited to submit by email to the ERI-TB secretariat ( their CV and a motivation letter highlighting their expertise and experience.

Background information

ERI-TB was launched by WHO/Europe in 2016 to advance research and innovation, to reduce people’s suffering and contribute to ending TB in the WHO European Region. It provides a platform to support the Roadmap to Implement the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020.

ERI-TB is a rapidly growing network that currently has about 150 members, who are representatives of national TB programmes, nongovernmental organizations, academic institutions, international agencies and individual service providers.

The Initiative aims to promote the implementation of operational research, as one of the evidence sources for informed TB programme management and policy decision-making.

Modus operandi

The ERI-TB network is steered by its core group and facilitated by its secretariat, hosted by WHO/Europe.

The role of core group members is to provide advice to WHO on:

  • documenting needs and identifying research priorities
  • building capacities in research implementation
  • facilitating research implementation and liaising with partners
  • communicating research implementation and results.

Core group members are expected to dedicate an equivalent of 10 full working days per year – participating in regular calls, contributing to drafting and reviewing documents and publications, and attending annual face-to-face meetings.

Core group members contribute to ERI-TB work on a pro bono basis and agree not to receive any funding and/or declare any funding they may receive from any agency or partner in relation to their work with ERI-TB. WHO/Europe covers the travel-related costs of ERI-TB members for its face-to-face meetings.