Certification and maintenance of polio-free status in the European Region

In June 2002, all 53 Member States of the WHO European Region were certified polio free by the Regional Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (RCC). Since that time vaccination against polio has continued to be a cornerstone of routine immunization services in every Member State, and national and regional surveillance systems and laboratories have ensured that no polio case could have been left undetected.

In addition to helping Member States retain their polio-free status by providing support in surveillance and immunization activities and advocating for political commitment to immunization goals, WHO/Europe provides immediate technical support in the event of an outbreak. Since being certified polio free, the Region has experienced 2 detected episodes of wild poliovirus importation. In both cases, transmission was interrupted, and the Region's elimination status was not affected. The Region also experienced an outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) in 2015, which was assessed as interrupted in April 2016.

In 2020, the European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health in Europe” was initiated, with immunization as 1 of 4 flagship initiatives. This provides a new opportunity to strengthen health systems to deliver life-saving vaccines and improve life and well-being in the Region.