Glossary of terms and useful resources related to poliovirus containment

The following definitions and resources are provided to assist the reader in following global, regional and national developments related to poliovirus containment. Technical documents are also provided to support poliovirus containment efforts at national level.

  • AFP      Acute flaccid paralysis
  • BRM     biorisk management
  • CCS     Poliovirus Containment Certification Scheme
  • CEN     European Committee for Standardization
  • EPLN   European Polio Laboratory Network
  • GAPIII  WHO global action plan to minimize poliovirus facility-associated risk after type-specific
  • GCC    Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication
  • GPEI    Global Polio Eradication Initiative
  • ICC       interim containment certification
  • IPV       inactivated polio vaccine
  • LDMS   Laboratory Database Monitoring System
  • NAC     National Authority for Containment
  • NPCC   National Poliovirus Containment Coordinator
  • OPV      oral polio vaccine
    • bOPV:    bivalent oral polio vaccine containing type 1 and type 3
    • mOPV:   monovalent oral polio vaccine containing one type only
    • mOPV2: monovalent oral polio vaccine type 2
    • tOPV:      trivalent oral polio vaccine containing type 1, type 2 and type 3
  • PEF    poliovirus essential facility
  • PPE    personal protective equipment
  • PV      poliovirus
  • SAGE Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization
  • VAPP  vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis
  • VDPV vaccine-derived poliovirus
  • WHA  World Health Assembly
  • WPV  wild type polioviruses
  • WHA  World Health Assembly