Tuberculosis elimination in the WHO European Region: review of key actions, with a special focus on management of tuberculosis infection (2020)



2020, x + 65 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5531 4
This publication is only available online.

Recent guidance documents have been published at the global and European levels to support tuberculosis (TB) elimination and the management of TB infection. This warrants a review of the available documents and their implications for the WHO European Region.

This publication aims to guide Member States in the Region to adequately implement TB infection management and the other core actions needed to meet the goals of the End TB Strategy and the related goals and targets of the Tuberculosis Action Plan for the WHO European Region 2016–2020, as well as to approach and sustain the TB elimination phase in both low- and intermediate-TB-incidence countries. The eight core actions recommended by WHO in Towards tuberculosis elimination: an action framework for low-incidence countries are reviewed and discussed in the light of the available evidence (and focusing on European experiences and needs) to inform European guidance.

The publication aims to serve the policy-makers and professionals working on the national and regional TB response (such as TB specialists, pulmonologists, infectious disease specialists, primary health-care professionals, and other clinical and public health professionals), as well as health-care staff working in settings where TB infection and TB are managed.