Turkmenistan and Afghanistan reaffirm cooperation on malaria

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

19–20 November 2009

A WHO cross-border meeting on malaria in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan resulted in a joint statement endorsing the countries’ cooperation on elimination and setting out the next steps to be taken.

Countries in the WHO European and Eastern Mediterranean regions have similar epidemiological situations and challenges with regard to malaria, particularly the prevention of cross-border spread. Joint projects for malaria control and elimination are therefore used to promote closer cross-border cooperation.

The objectives of the meeting were:

  1. to review the current malaria situation and identify problems/constraints related to malaria control and elimination in the countries;
  2. to outline a strategy and direction for increased coordination of malaria control and elimination activities in the countries, with special emphasis on border areas;
  3. to develop joint action plans to synchronize malaria control and elimination activities in border areas; and
  4. to discuss the methods for regular exchange of information on malaria, particularly in border areas.

The participants included representatives from the health ministries in Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, WHO/Europe, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, the WHO country offices for Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, and WHO headquarters. Participating partner organizations included the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

During the meeting, participants:

  • recommended an effective strategy and mechanisms to improve the coordination of malaria control and elimination activities in the countries, with special emphasis on border areas; and
  • agreed on a joint statement.