WHO cross-border collaboration on malaria elimination

Antalya, Turkey

23–25 September 2008

The meeting took place almost three years after the endorsement of the Tashkent Declaration by all malaria-affected countries in the WHO European Region. Data showed that the number of reported cases had decreased from 37 173 to 285 between 1999 and 2009: a visible achievement of the regional malaria programme. Participants came together to discuss the need to strengthen cross-border collaboration to solve common problems in achieving the overarching goal of eliminating malaria in the Region.

The aims of the meeting were:

  • to report on achievements and to share malaria elimination experiences between countries and regions;
  • to review existing practical modalities for dealing with malaria; and
  • to identify problems encountered in border areas of participating countries, in order to promote cross-border collaboration and increase coordination between neighbouring countries and regions.