Assessing the situation on leishmaniasis in Tajikistan

 WHO headquarters and WHO Regional Office for Europe organized a mission on leishmaniases in Tajikistan 31 October - 2 November 2011, to provide technical assistance and to advise the Ministry of Health of Tajikistan on assessing the current situation on leishmaniases and measures to be taken. A number of ministry officials at all levels met to discuss the current situation and required technical expertise on an assessment the epidemiological situation, capacity building, development of the national programme and guidelines on case management of leishmania cases as well as plans for the next year. 

During the mission, the first day had an orientation organized by WHO headquarters, WHO/Europe, WHO Country office, Tajikistan and the Republican Tropical Diseases Centre for national health authorities from regions of high endemicity of leishmaniases.

The main training topics covered important aspects on:

  • epidemiology
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • prevention
  • innovative approaches to control the disease.

The training was conducted by Dr Daniel Dagne, Leishmaniases Control Programme, WHO headquarters, and Dr Mikhail Ejov, Programme Manager, Malaria and Other Vector-Borne and Parasitic Diseases, WHO/Europe. The training started with a general overview of the epidemiological situation on leishmaniasis, including its global and regional epidemiology situation led by Dr Daniel Dagne. Dr Mikhail Ejov then briefed the participants on the leishmaniasis situation, control and preventive measures being taken and future plans in the countries of the WHO European Region.