Malaria elimination training in Azerbaijan


Participants at malaria elimination and certification training in Azerbaijan

A group of fourteen malaria specialists from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan attended a course from 10-21 June in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The course aimed to provide updated knowledge and enhance practical skills in malaria elimination, preventing reintroduction of the disease and how to certify malaria as eliminated. The training was facilitated by specialists from the Russian Federation’s Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, and from WHO.

The course covered the following aspects of malaria elimination:

  • malaria programme phases;
  • milestones on the path;
  • strategies, approaches and tools;
  • monitoring and evaluating progress;
  • assessing probability of re-establishment;
  • recommended preventative strategies;
  • requirements, procedures and follow-up for certifying elimination.

The course was organized by WHO/Europe in close collaboration with the Government of Azerbaijan and the WHO Global Malaria Programme. Participants were awarded a WHO certificate.