Epidemiological surveillance of malaria in countries of central and eastern Europe and selected newly independent states (Bulgaria, June 2002)



2002 Many of the countries of central and eastern Europe (CCEE) and newly independent states (NIS) remain vulnerable to the resumption of the local transmission of malaria. In recent years, autochthonous cases have been reported in Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and the Republic of Moldova. The WHO Regional Office for Europe convened a meeting to review both imported malaria and local transmission in the CCEE and NIS, to analyse and exchange experience with malaria surveillance and prevention, and to outline a strategy to prevent the reintroduction of malaria and other vector-borne diseases. The participants recommended that:

  • WHO streamline mechanisms to make surveillance more effective and appropriate to the conditions and needs of each country;
  • Member States assess their national malaria surveillance systems and ensure that sound and evidence-based strategies for surveillance and
    prevention are in place;
  • the participants and WHO try to raise awareness of the importance of malaria and the risk of its re-emergence in national governments, health
    services and local authorities.