Second interregional malaria coordination meeting (Azerbaijan, May 2000)



2001 The meeting reviewed the malaria situation and progress made in the control of the disease in the WHO European and Eastern Mediterranean Regions. Despite considerable progress, a number of countries in both regions with similar epidemiological conditions still faced high rates of malaria morbidity, outbreaks of the disease, the occurrence and spread of Plasmodium falciparum, and the risk of re-establishment of malaria transmission in areas from which the disease had been eradicated many years ago.

To address these problems, the meeting identified malaria-related problems and constraints, outlined a strategy and joint action plan for more coordinated and synchronized malaria control operations in border areas, and discussed the practicalities of regular exchange of information on the malaria situation and its control. Participating countries have requested WHO to continue its support for national malaria control programmes, particularly in the fields of training, surveillance, operational research, and the coordination of malaria control in border areas. WHO was also requested to continue brokering financial assistance to countries in order to implement the Roll Back Malaria project plans at country level.