WHO meeting of National Counterparts for Alcohol Policy in the WHO European Region

The meeting is organized jointly by the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and  the State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA) and will take place in the hotel Meridien Bristol, Warsaw, Poland on 31 May-01 June 2012.

There will be sessions on:

  • Presentation of the new publication Alcohol in the European Union
  • Minimum pricing of alcohol
  • Alcohol and heart diseases – is alcohol good for your heart?
  • New publication - the European action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol 2012 – 2020 with annexes
  • Cost-effectiveness of alcohol control strategies – an example from the Republic of Moldova
  • European Information System on Alcohol and Health – the ongoing survey.

The meeting is only for invited national counterparts and other members of our alcohol network.