Evidence briefs for policy

Evidence briefs are user-friendly syntheses of the best available global and local research evidence to answer a specific policy problem in a concise way. Eleven Member States in the WHO European Region have already embarked on developing evidence briefs on AMR since 2017.

In collaboration with the Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), WHO/Europe supports Member States to develop evidence-based policy briefs on AMR that condense all available national and regional information and distil this into 2–3 feasible policy options for intervention.

In 2017, Hungary was the first Member State in the Region to finalize an evidence brief as part of the initiative. The same year, 6 additional Member States – Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and North Macedonia – embarked on this process. In 2019, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Serbia also started policy dialogues with the goal of reducing AMR at national levels.