Global monitoring of country progress in addressing AMR

The Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was adopted in 2015 by all countries through decisions at the Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly, the Governing Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Assembly of Delegates of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). At the World Health Assembly, countries agreed to report back on progress in May 2017. FAO and OIE are also seeking information on progress in implementing the Global action plan.

FAO, OIE and WHO developed a monitoring questionnaire to review and summarize country progress and to gather information for reporting at the global level. Country responses will also be used to guide follow-up actions and identify areas where assistance and support is required.

The questionnaire asked countries to assess their progress in multisectoral working on AMR, developing a national AMR action plan and implementing key actions to address AMR. It included questions on progress in human health, animal health, crop production, food safety and the environment.

The questionnaire was designed for self-assessment at the country level. It included a short guidance note that provided further information on the monitoring approach. Countries were encouraged to engage a multisectoral group in assessing national progress.

The questionnaire was sent out to countries by the WHO AMR Secretariat through WHO regional and country offices, and was also being circulated by FAO and OIE. Countries were asked to submit one consolidated, agreed response that addresses all sectors using the online questionnaire.

Responses are included in the report on global progress in fighting AMR presented to the World Health Assembly in May 2017, and in reports to the governing bodies of FAO and OIE.