Oral health and the life-course

Oral health needs are a constant throughout the life-course but different stages in life have specific requirements. During pregnancy, a high standard of oral hygiene is most important to prevent periodontal problems, and healthy diet and effective oral hygiene are vital to the prevention of early childhood caries. Schools are a powerful setting for oral health promotion and oral disease prevention among children and adolescents. According to a WHO global report, country experiences in school oral health show that the full range of actions may comprise:

  • regular dental examinations
  • early detection of disease
  • clinical treatment and prevention
  • outreach care
  • health promotion
  • engagement of families and the community.

An ongoing issue is providing oral health care to older people. Targeted public health programmes should be established, and control of oral disease and illness in older people should be strengthened through organization of affordable primary oral health services. Age-friendly oral health services are essential to meet the needs of older people; these services may be provided in the community, in institutions or in nursing homes.