10th annual meeting and 5th conference of HEPA Europe

Conference theme: Physical activity promotion in health care settings

The 10th annual meeting of HEPA Europe was hosted by the Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Prevention Institute (EBPI), University of Zurich, Switzerland. It was attended by 111 participants from 26 European Member States as well as from other regions and from the World Health Organization. The event included parallel sessions of six HEPA Europe working groups on 28 August 2014

The 5th HEPA Europe conference took place back-to-back with the annual meeting on 27-28 August 2014, organized by the EBPI, University of Zurich, and co-sponsored by WHO Regional Office for Europe. The conference was attended by 199 participants from 23 countries of the WHO European Region and from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan and the United States of America. It included 5 key note lectures, which are available as podcast on the conference website:

  • Health promotion and prevention in health care settings, by Jacques Cornuz, Switzerland
  • The role of physical activity in treatment and rehabilitation of chronic disease, by Thierry Troosters, Belgium
  • Genes, physical activity and obesity – actions and interaction, by Ruth Loos, USA
  • Global research in physical activity and health, by Pedro C. Hallal, Brazil
  • Let’s make Scotland more active – experiences after 10 years, by Nanette Mutrie, United Kingdom

In addition, 10 parallel oral sessions and 73 poster presentations in 10 walking poster sessions took place on the following topics:

  • Physical activity behaviour
  • Chronic disease
  • Health effects and other dimensions
  • Health care settings
  • Sedentary behaviour at the worksite
  • Children and adolescents
  • Active ageing/injury prevention
  • Interventions
  • Sport and health
  • Active transport
  • Physical activity policy.

The conference programme and book of abstracts as well as podcasts of the 5 key note lectures are available on the conference website.