13th annual meeting and 8th conference of HEPA Europe

15-17 November 2017, Zagreb, Croatia

This year’s HEPA Europe conference will focus on “Modern approaches to physical activity promotion and measurement”. The events are kindly hosted by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology.

Keynote lectures:

  1. Fiona  Bull, World Health Organization - Current practices and issues in physical activity promotion: From small-scale interventions to changes in national policy
  2. Susan Michie, University College London, UK - Applying behavioural science to developing and evaluating digital interventions: implications for physical activity
  3. Zeljko  Pedisic, Victoria University, Australia - Issues and challenges in physical activity surveillance
  4. Gregory J. Welk, Iowa State University, USA - The use of wearable technologies in measurement and promotion of physical activity

Conference topics feature a wide range of issues, including policy, active transport, sport, determinants of physical activity, health outcomes and sedentary behavior and  many others. More information can be found on the conference website.

Events will also include the annual meeting of HEPA Europe and parallel sessions of the most of its working groups.

Key dates:

  • Abstract and symposia submission deadline: 11 September 2017
  • Abstract acceptance notification: Continuously, latest by 1 October 2017
  • Early bird registration deadline: 5 September 2017
  • Registration for authors closes: 15 October 2017
  • Late registration for other participants (non-authors) closes: 1 November 2017