Third annual meeting of HEPA Europe, 16-18 May 2007, Graz, Austria



The main aims of the 3rd annual meeting of HEPA Europe were to:

  • review and discuss recent international developments and experiences and national, regional and community approaches with regard to promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA);
  • review progress made in HEPA Europe’s second year of existence, in particular in implementing the work programme as well as with regard to contributions and funding;
  • discuss and adopt key documents for next year’s work. In this regard, the following documents were discussed and adopted:
    • Activity report 2006/2007 (see Annex 3)
    • Work programme 2007/2008 (see Annex 4)
    • Terms of References (proposed changes).

In addition, 15 new membership applications were evaluated and the Steering Committee was reelected.