16th meeting of the HEPA Europe Steering committee, Gerlev, Denmark, 7-8 September 2011



The 16th meeting of the Steering Committee of HEPA Europe was convened to review progress with implementation of the 2010/2011 work programme and to update on recent developments the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity. The applications for membership received since the last meeting were assessed, and two pending applications were further discussed. Further, the preparations of the 7th annual meeting and 3rd HEPA Europe conference in October 2011 were finalized, including the draft activity report of the past year and the new draft work programme for 2011/2012. Results of a sub-committee convened to develop a recruitment strategy for new Steering Committee candidates were also discussed.

The meeting was attended by 5 members of the Steering Committee from 5 countries and 1 WHO/Europe staff. The meeting was kindly hosted and supported by the Gerlev Physical Education and Sports Academy, Denmark. It was chaired by Willem van Mechelen from the Free University (VU) Medical Center and assisted by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Rome office, and the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of the University of Zurich, Switzerland.