Workshop on national approaches to the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA)



To systematically gather information on national approaches to promote health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), the HEPA Policy Audit Tool (PAT) was developed. It provides a protocol and method for a detailed compilation and communication of country level policy responses on physical inactivity. The workshop was held to present the development process of the PAT. Results from the pilot-testing in different countries were also presented and discussed, as well as results from comparisons across the seven pilot test countries. Based on these results, meeting participants identified lessons learned and remaining challenges. The results of the discussion provide the basis for further applications and developments of the HEPA PAT. The second part of the workshop consisted of a briefing on how go about the completion of the HEPA PAT, including experiences made in different countries. Participants had the opportunity to discuss questions around the practical application of the PAT and to consider application in their own country.