HEPA Europe Leaflet






HEPA Europe, the European Network for the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity is
  • the frontrunner in knowledge in physical activity
  • a key advocate and broker for physical activity in Europe
  • your key source for best available evidence

HEPA  Europe Membership is open to organizations and institutions active at the regional, national or sub-national level willing to contribute to the goals and objectives of the network.

These include:

  • government bodies such as ministries and agencies at the national and sub-national level involved with the promotion of HEPA Europe (e.g. ministries of health, sports, education, transport, agencies for health promotion, etc.);
  • research and other scientific institutions;
  • non-governmental organizations;
  • other institutions or organizations active in a related field; and
  • interested individuals (upon invitation from the Steering Committee).