Fourteenth annual meeting of HEPA Europe - European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity. Meeting report (2018)



The 14th annual meeting of HEPA Europe, the European network for the promotion of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) has taken place in the framework of the 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) congress in London, United Kingdom, kindly hosted by ISPAH, Public Health England and Sport England.

The meeting included parallel sessions of 8 HEPA Europe working groups on 15 and 16 October 2018. At the annual meeting on 17 October, 47 participants took part from 19 European countries, as well as representatives from the United States, Japan and from the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe.

Progress made in HEPA Europe’s work programme for the previous year was presented. Participants discussed and adopted the activity report 2017/2018 and the work programme 2018/2019. They also took note of the results and next steps of the “Early career survey”. In addition, they discussed and adopted the introduction of a chair-elect for the HEPA Europe Steering Committee. Finally, 4 new membership applications were confirmed.