Report of the 7th meeting of the European Union Physical activity focal points (2018)



Zagreb, Croatia, 13–14 November 2017

The European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe have been cooperating to develop and scale-up monitoring and surveillance of health-enhancing physical activity in the European Union Member States. Previous meetings of the EU Focal Points Network focused on the strategy for information collection and discussed the preparations for the update of the Factsheets on health-enhancing physical activity in the 28 European Union Member States of the WHO European Region.

The seventh meeting, held in Zagreb, Croatia, discussed tools and timeline before validation of the factsheets. Furthermore, the meeting discussed the issues of physical activity and urban planning, as well as exercise and prescription. Further updates from various ongoing projects were presented and targeted workshops explored key issues identified by Focal Points at the previous meeting in Toledo, Spain in April 2017.

Participants included the Focal Points, representing 25 Member States, the European Commission, represented by staff from DG EAC/Sport Unit, and the World Health Organization, represented by staff from the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Several external speakers, observers and a rapporteur also participated.