Award to WHO Representative in Turkey to support tobacco control activities of the Ministry of Health


On the occasion of the 4th year of smoke-free tobacco control law celebration, Dr Maria Cristina Profili, WHO Representative (WR) in Turkey, received the Health Minister’s Special Recognition Award 2012 for the exemplary support of the World Health Organization Country Office in Turkey, WR commendable work and contribution of the World Health Organization to the tobacco control activities of the Ministry of Health of Turkey.

Launching the event in the presence of the media, Minister of Health Recep Akdag thanked WHO for its continued support and presented the award to Dr Profili.

Dr Profili congratulated the Minister for his leadership on the achievements that the Government of Turkey has accomplished in a very short time. Turkey is one of the leading countries regionally and globally in implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). According to the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2011, Turkey qualifies for the highest achieving category for the MPOWER tobacco control measurable indicators. There are only 4 countries (Turkey, England, Ireland and Iran) in the world that have reached this highest achievement in the area of tobacco control. She said that WHO looked forward to seeing Turkey as the first country in the world to rank in the highest categories in all policies in the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2013.

She also said that WHO hopes that Turkey will be the first country in the WHO European Region to adapt plain packaging as an advance tobacco control measure. Australia is the first country in the world that has done it.

Finally, Dr Profili thanked the Minister for agreeing to host the regional meeting for the WHO Framework Convention of Tobacco Control implementation in Turkey. The meeting will be held in September 2012 and will gather 53 Member States from the WHO European Region to share the Turkish experience with other countries on tobacco control measures.

Tobacco control can be achieved successfully when it is dealt with at the multisectoral level and with a partnership approach. Turkey is perhaps the best example of this as the whole government approach was a key cornerstone of success and could serve as an example for all noncommunicable diseases work globally.