A debate on the “end-game” of tobacco

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is a powerful legal instrument to help fight the tobacco epidemic. In the WHO European Region, 48 countries and the European Community have ratified the Treaty.

The WHO European Region has made strong progress in the implementation of the WHO FCTC, while also recognizing that there are several areas for improvement. The momentum is growing, and more and more governments are taking strong measures to fight tobacco. Evidence from these countries shows that tough laws work and save lives, even within months of implementation. 

However, tobacco continues to kill millions of people around the world ear year and tobacco use is increasing in some countries, particularly among women and adolescent girls. In the PLOS Medicine Debate, Simon Chapman presents an effort to achieve the “tobacco control endgame”. The debate makes the case for introducing a smart card license for smokers designed to limit access to tobacco products and encourage cessation. Key elements include smokers setting daily limits, financial incentives for permanent license surrender and a test of health risk knowledge for new smokers.