Azerbaijan celebrates World No Tobacco day

On 31 May 2014, the second "No Smoking Film Festival" was launched in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. There were many prominent people that participated in the event - the Ministry of Health, the members of the National Tobacco Control Coalition, representatives from various international and NGOs, the Public Health and Reforms Center of the MoH (PHRC) and the "ADDIM" Creative Youth Association. In addition, well-known celebrities, including the Azerbaijani winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2011, and media representatives participated in the event.
The Festival took place under the “Don’t smoke - shoot a film!” slogan that was organized by the PHRC and "ADDIM" to draw public attention on tobacco smoke hazards, especially the direct negative impact on health of young people.
18 selected films were shown at the final ceremony and the juries determined 6 winners. On 17 June 2014, all the winners of the “No Smoking Film Festival” were announced and awarded at the Gala Party of the Closing Ceremony.
The winner of the first "No Smoking Film Festival" Narmin Knyazlı presented the "Grand Prix" of the Festival to Elchin Telmanoglu. The following nominations were awarded: Elvin Abdullayev "for the best director's work", Mushfig Huseynli " for the best script", Fidan Jafarova "for the best actor", Ibrahim Bakhshiyev "for the original film" and Javanshir Eladisoy "for the best idea".
During the two months leading up to the festival, activities related to the event were highlighted in the media and widespread response was present in social media.
Azerbaijan invites representatives from other countries to participate in the 2015 Festival and to celebrate the event on an international scale in the future.