Conference on essential issues of tobacco control in the Russian Federation: regional aspects and international experience


Dr Haik Nikogosian, WHO Special Representative in the Russian Federation, a.i., and Dr Oleg Salagay, Head of Department for Public Health and Communications, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

In cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Health, the WHO Country Office in the Russian Federation hosted a conference on 12–13 December 2016 in Sochi on the essential issues of tobacco control in the country with focus on subfederal aspects and international experience. The conference was aimed at discussing the current tobacco control situation in the Russian Federation and the implementation of Federal Law No. 15: Health Protection from Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Consumption. Over 40 representatives from 15 Russian regions had an opportunity to share their tobacco control experiences, challenges and lessons learned.

The international experience at the conference was reflected in examples from representatives of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and Sweden. Rodrigo Santos Feijo, Technical Officer, Convention Secretariat of the WHO FCTC, presented an overview of regulatory measures linked to tobacco control policies. Hakan Linnarsson, Vice Chairman, Public Health Committee, Västra Götaland, Sweden, reported on subnational initiatives for tobacco control.

The rich discussions shared during the 2 intensive days were reflected in the list of  recommendations that was submitted to the Ministry of Health for further revision and action.