Evidence brief – Tobacco point-of-sale display bans




Tobacco use is the most preventable cause of death globally, claiming over 100 million lives worldwide in the 20th century. In the presence of increasing tobacco advertising bans, point-of-sale displays of tobacco in retail establishments are a way for the tobacco industry to continue advertising its products, using the pack as an advertising tool. Two major reviews of the literature agree that existing evidence supports a positive association between exposure to point-of-sale tobacco promotion and smoking, and both support a ban on point-of-sale displays for tobacco products. Banning point-of-sale tobacco displays is likely to reduce impulse purchases, provide a supportive environment for smokers to quit and reduce purchasing behaviour. Countries that have implemented bans have seen large reductions in smokers’ reported exposure to advertising, with impulse purchases also reduced. Article 13 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control bans tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, including point-of-sale displays.