
Press conference on May 29

  • WNTD 2009: "Tobacco Health Warnings" 
  • Results of the survey on smoking among pregnant women in Serbia
  • Sports against tobacco

WNTD 2009 Media campaign by using WHO materials translated to Serbian

Street performance on May 31 in Belgrade
Program: babies-against-tobacco walk, sports activities, music program, survey on tobacco control support etc.

Activities throughout Serbia for WNTD (street performances, press conferences, media)

Participation in the international campaign "Signatures-against-Tobacco" (collection of 10 million signatures against tobacco on 10 thousand banners - campaign initiated by Volunteers Against Smoking and Tobacco from India)

Establishing the Alliance of governmental and nongovernmental organizations to support the new smoke-free law (initiated by the Serbian Public Health Association)

National campaign for the year 2009: "TOBACCO SMOKE IS A SERIAL KILLER" (TV advertisments, billboards, leaflets, posters and other promotion material)

Activities organised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, National Committee for Smoking Prevention, Institute of Public Health of Serbia, Tobacco Control Office, World Health Organization – Office for Serbia and a lot of partners and supporters, governmental and NGOs

Young people sign petition against tobacco
In addition, Health center Bor from Republic of Serbia, actively participated in celebrating the 31st may, WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY in cooperation with primary school “Stanoje Miljkovic” from Brestovac , and high school “Bora Stankovic” and representatives of mass media TV Bor and TV Sezam.

On that day a lot of young people in the action “YOUNG PEOPLE FOR YOUNG” signed the petition against tobacco.