The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

WNTD 2009 – Celebration in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Sunday 31 May 2009, in Sarajevo's main pedestrian zone in front of the Cathedral, a big celebration for WNTD was organised by the NGO „Partnership for Public Health“ in collaboration with relevant governmental and NGO's such as : Federal Ministry of Health, Federal Public Health Institute, General Hospital "Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš", Project Sarajevo Healthy City, Heart Center Tuzla, HKO Kruh Sv. Ante, CPHA, NGO Narko-ne, SOS Kinderdorf International and primary school "Kovašiši" from Sarajevo.

In collaboration with mentioned partners, health promotion materials focusing on the WNTD 2009 WHO slogan „Show the truth - health warnings save lives“ were published and distributed to citizens. The whole event was broadcast on all national TV stations, newspapers and journals.

Calendar of events for WNTD 2009

26 May 2009
Workshop with school children and youth on smoking prevention and cessation.
Lecturers: Dr. Aida Ramic Catak, Federal Public Health Institute, WHO Tobacco Control Counterpart for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Natasa Kovacevic and Sejdefa Basic Catic, NGO Partnership for Public Health
Place: SOS Kinderdorf , office Sarajevo

27 May 2009
Training of doctors and nurses on their role in tobacco control activities..Part of involvement of General Hospital “ Prim Dr Abdulah Nakaš” , Sarajevo in European network of Smoke free hospitals.
Lecturer: Dr. Aida Ramic Catak, Federal Public Health Institute, WHO Tobacco Control Counterpart for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Place: General Hospital “ Prim Dr Abdulah Nakaš”, Sarajevo

29 May 2009
Workshop for doctors, nurses, ministries and public health authorities in tobacco control priorities with aspect of tobacco health warning as a WNTD 2009 logo
Lecturers: Dr. Aida Ramic Catak, Federal Public Health Institute, WHO Tobacco Control Counterpart for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Bakir Nakas, Head of “ Prim dr Abdulah Nakaš”, Sarajevo, Sejdefa Basic Catic, NGO Partnership for Public Health
Place: General Hospital “ Prim dr Abdulah Nakaš”, Sarajevo

31 May 2009
Place: Pedestrian zone in main city centre ( St. Ferhadija, square in front of the Cathedral )
Time: 11.00 am – 3.00 pm

  • Performance of Sarajevo Drum Orchestra – music with anti-smoking messages
  • Distribution of smoking prevention and cessation materials  to citizens (leaflets, imitation of cigarette packages with tobacco health warnings, balloons, T-shirts )
  • Survey of citizens about tobacco related knowledge and attitude
  • Game for citizens – counting an approximate number of cigarette butts in plastic box – award is MP4
  • Completing a banner (45 mm length ) – participating  are school children from primary schools in Sarajevo, SOS Kinderdorf, as well as citizens
  • Information and advice to citizens on cessation services, quit lines and health benefits of non-smoking


NGO Partnership for Health and Federal Public Health Institute in collaboration with:

  • Federal Ministry of Health
  • Federal Public Health Institute
  • General Hospital “ Prim dr Abdulah Nakaš” , Sarajevo
  • NGO Narko-NeHeart Center Tuzla
  • HKO Kruh Svetog Ante
  • Sarajevo Healthy City Project
  • Primary school Kovaii Sarajevo
  • SOS Kinderdorf