Warnings should feature mandated descriptions of harmful health effects and specific illnesses caused by tobacco use

A snapshot of Europe

Of the 50 European countries that provided information in 2007, 10 (20%) did not ban deceitful terms (including “low tar”, “light”, “ultra light”, or “mild” in any language).

Of the 32 European countries (that require at least 30% of principal area to be covered by health warnings) that provided information in 2007:

  • 32 (100%) required warnings that describe the harmful effects of tobacco;
  • 32 (100%) mandated specific health warnings;
  • 2 countries had 15 approved health warnings;
  • 27 countries had 14 approved health warnings;
  • 1 country had 13 approved health warnings;
  • 1 country had 12 approved health warnings;
  • 1 country had 11 approved health warnings.