I'm in charge. I'm smoke free

World No Tobacco Day 2011 video competition

Nearly 6 million people each year die from tobacco. How can we stop this?  The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the world's answer to the tobacco epidemic. Use it.

It’s time to be in charge. It’s time to be smoke free.

Unsure what the WHO FCTC is? It is an international treaty guiding national tobacco laws. It limits smoke exposure in public places, advertisements and much more. It is already part of your life.

I'm in charge. I'm smoke free. Video competition

To celebrate World No Tobacco Day 2011 on 31 May, people all over the WHO European Region are invited to create a short video for the "I'm in charge. I'm smoke free" video competition. Share your experience with the world!

Tell us how taking control of tobacco makes a difference to you on a personal level.

How can the WHO FCTC change your life and the lives of your family and friends?

Some ideas:

  • Not smoking? Tell us why it is great to stay in control.
  • Quit tobacco use? Want to quit now? Want to try again? Congratulations! Tell us your story!
  • Helped someone quit using tobacco? Tell us how you did it!
  • Smoking but don't like it? Tell us why.
  • Want to protect your family and friends from smoke? Wish your country would ban smoking in public places? Tell us why and how.
  • Tobacco promotion, advertisements and sponsorship? Advocate against it! Tell us how.
  • How can you, your country and the world use the WHO FCTC in the future? Tell us your opinion!

How to Enter

All are welcome to participate. You are eligible to submit a video if you:

  • live in a country of the WHO European Region
  • are aged 13 or above

Otherwise, please still join us by watching the videos and voting!

The video

  • maximum length of 4 minutes
  • preferred language is English and no speech or no sound are also fine
  • video or animation

The competition is open from 1 April to 31 October 2011.

Tips for winning

Quality of video counts, but so does the number of views and public opinion. Promote your own video and increase your chances of winning!

Tips for making a good video

  • be creative
  • make a high quality video
  • have a clear and convincing message
  • engage the audience
  • empower the audience
  • relate to the WHO FCTC

Tips for promoting your video

  • promote World No Tobacco Day 2011
  • attend a World No Tobacco Day event
  • add the URL of your video to your e-mail signature
  • blog about your entry
  • use your social media ties
  • post the link on your website or in online forums


  • submission period: 1 April – 31 October 2011
  • announcement of the 10 best videos: 15 November 2011
  • public voting for 5 best videos: 16 November - 30 November 2011
  • judging panel vote: 1 December - 14 December 2011
  • announcement of winner: 15 December 2011