Gaps of the WHO European Region regarding direct tobacco advertising and promotion ban

While tobacco advertising and promotion on national TV and radio, in local magazines and newspapers and on billboards tend to be generally covered by the ban, much still has to be accomplished regarding advertising and promotion on Internet and at points of sale.

Advertising on Internet

  • Ban - Tobacco advertising and promotion on Internet is banned in 34 WHO European countries (representing about 64% of the WHO European countries).
  • Restriction - Only two WHO European countries (representing about 4% of the WHO European countries) that have not banned tobacco advertising on Internet have adopted restrictions for this type of advertising.
  • No regulation - Thus, tobacco advertising and promotion on Internet remains allowed in 14 WHO European countries (representing about 26% of the WHO European countries).

Advertising at points of sale

  • Ban - Only 18 WHO European countries (representing about 34% of the WHO European countries) have banned tobacco advertising and promotion at points of sale.
  • Restriction - 11 WHO European countries (representing about 21% of the WHO European countries) have adopted some restrictions regarding this type of advertising.
  • No regulation - Tobacco advertising and promotion at points of sale remains allowed in 21 WHO European countries (representing about 40% of the WHO European countries).