Baltic workshop on building capacity in parenting programmes to prevent violence (2019)



Meeting report

The WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Government of Lithuania jointly organized the Baltic workshop to build capacity in parenting programmes to prevent violence against children. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of one of the INSPIRE: seven strategies for ending violence against children on Parent and caregiver support by building institutional capacity and promoting the exchange of expertise in parenting programmes. Specific objectives included deliberate the burden of child maltreatment, risk factors such as household dysfunction, alcohol, poverty and social exclusion, and the benefits of investing in children; receive country profiles of the European status report on preventing child maltreatment from the Baltic subregion; discuss the latest examples of good practice on the prevention of child maltreatment through positive parenting programmes; exchange evidence-based experience on the implementation and evaluation of the Incredible Years and Parenting for Lifelong Health programmes in the European context; develop an understanding of the costs, requirements, scope and contents of training for one or both of the above parenting programmes; and debate how policy and programming may be improved to achieve more widespread positive parenting in societies.