Local Housing and Health Action Plans




Many adverse health conditions are linked to inadequate housing environments, and health is at the core of all housing policies. The objective of Local Housing and Health Action Plans (LHHAP) is to improve housing conditions as a preventative strategy for housing-related health effects and injuries and as a means to mitigate social and health inequalities within a population.

Local authorities can develop and strengthen housing policies to address specific health needs using the LHHAP tool to identify local housing and health priorities.

  • The LHHAP Manual is an instruction guide for every aspect of a LHHAP project and provides a summary of the housing-related impacts on health. From the initial planning stages through to the policy recommendations, the LHHAP project coordinator can find step-by-step instructions to successfully completing an LHHAP project on local scale.
  • The survey tool provides the data entry masks for the survey and enables an automatic descriptive analysis of the data collected. To receive a copy, please send an e-mail request to the WHO Bonn office (info@ecehbonn.euro.who.int)


The Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (Budapest 2004) called for initiatives and programmes that facilitate the integration of health and environmental concerns into housing policies. The development and implementation of Local Housing and Health Action Plans (LHHAP) as a low-cost, simple tool that allows a local level investigation of health-related housing conditions is a response to that call.