Towards a tool for assessment of cumulative risks from indoor air pollutants in public settings for children. Meeting report (Bonn, Germany, 3-4 December 2018)



The WHO Regional Office for Europe has initiated the development of a tool to facilitate assessments of the risk to human health from combined exposures to hazardous chemicals in indoor air, especially in public settings for children. In December 2018 an expert consultation was held to share knowledge, expertise and experience in the area of children’s health and indoor air quality, with the aim of assisting and advising WHO in developing the tool. A wide range of topics was discussed including the methodological approach to the development of the tool, collection of toxicological information, identification of chemicals and health end-points of highest priority and development of recommendations for sampling and analysis of indoor air pollutants and training for paediatricians and public health professionals. The main outcomes were agreement on the list of chemicals for inclusion in the tool, the adverse health effects to be considered, advice on the revision of technical documents on the methods for sampling and analysis of chemicals, and prioritization of sampling sites for planning national monitoring programmes for indoor air quality.