Review of methods for monitoring PM2.5 and PM10



Report of a WHO workshop held in Berlin, Germany, 11–12 October 2004


The WHO assessment of health aspects of particulate matter (PM) concluded that the fine particles are strongly associated with mortality, hospitalization for cardio-pulmonary disease and other endpoints. This WHO workshop, organized by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn Office, in collaboration with the WHO Collaborating Centre in Berlin, European Commission (EC) Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), reviewed various methods for PM2.5 and PM10 monitoring and discussed their comparability and quality.

The workshop gathered 72 experts from 36 Member States, the EC, the EEA and WHO. Experiences were presented of field inter-comparisons of various methods of PM2.5 monitoring, performed as part of the CEN procedure to establish a reference method. Participants also discussed the experiences of the WHO/Europe Member States in developing and operating PM monitoring networks oriented towards assessment of population exposure.

It was confirmed that in many countries the monitoring of PM10 has dynamically increased in the recent years. However, the relevant information from most of the countries of the Eastern part of the Region is missing. The workshop pointed to the important role of WHO/Europe in promoting PM monitoring, and encouraged international cooperation in capacity building, information exchange and organization of the quality control and assessment networks.