Mass gatherings and public health: the experience of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games



Edited by Agis D. Tsouros and Panos A. Efstathiou
2007, xix + 377 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 7288 5
CHF 70.00
In developing countries: CHF 49.00
Order no. 13400071

The Olympic Games are a very popular but also vulnerable global event and thus intrinsically raise the expectations of the international community on all aspects of preparedness, including public health. This is the first time that the whole public health and health care experience from an Olympic Games has been incorporated into one comprehensive publication. The book contains strategic, technical and scientific information about epidemiological surveillance, environmental management, emergency and hospital care, preparedness for the potential deliberate use of explosives, biological and chemical agents or radionuclear material, disease prevention as well as coordination and unified command. It also highlights that mass sports gatherings such as the Olympics can be powerful platforms for promoting health messages, especially physical activity and active living, healthy nutrition and avoidance of smoking. Finally, it synthesizes the conclusions and lessons learned and offers insights and strategic points for future organizers of mass gatherings.