Building healthy cities: inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Report of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network Annual Business and Technical Conference (2017)



The City of Pécs, Hungary, hosted the final Annual Business and Technical Conference of Phase VI of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network on 1–3 March 2017. The theme of the Conference – “Building healthy cities: inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” – was explored through a number of subthemes: transport and environment, migrants and refugees, healthy ageing, gender, and early life. Cities shared their experiences in parallel sessions, presenting posters, abstracts, case studies and examples of practices relevant to Conference themes. The City of Pécs demonstrated its work in a series of site visits to local projects. Participants discussed the preparations for the 30th anniversary of the Healthy Cities Network in 2018 as well as the vision and criteria for 2018–2022, and adopted the Pécs Declaration.