Become a member

Applications for new members are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout a phase. To promote consistency and high standards, cities and national networks must meet specific requirements to become members of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network.

As the WHO European Healthy Cities Network is driven by politicians and decision-makers, commitment from those who govern in the applicant city or national network is required. Cities applying for membership are expected to be members of their country’s national Healthy Cities network if applicable.

As a starting point, an applicant city/national network should send a letter of expression of interest. The letter must:

  • be from the mayor or equivalent of the city (from a political chairperson if applying for national network accreditation);
  • state that the applicant wishes to apply for designation as a member of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network in Phase VII;
  • confirm that the city will dedicate resources to meet Phase VII goals and requirements, make the annual financial commitment to WHO and participate actively in the WHO European Healthy Cities Network and in subnetworks; and
  • identify the focal point in the city/national network for the Phase VII application, including their email address.

Applicants may use a sample of the letter provided on this page for both cities and national networks. Once WHO receives the letter of interest at, a city or national network will be provided with a Word version of the application form along with an invoice and other templates as part of the application package.

For further information, please email