Protocol bodies

Meeting of the Parties

The Meeting of the Parties is the main governing body of the Protocol. It comprises all Parties to the Protocol. At its meetings, other States as well as intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations participate as observers. The mandate of the Meeting of the Parties is to keep under continuous review the implementation of the Protocol and take the necessary measures required to achieve the purposes of the Protocol.

Working Group on Water and Health

At their first session of the Meeting of the Parties the Working Group on Water and Health was established as an open-ended subsidiary body responsible for the overall implementation of the programme of work. The Working Group on Water and Health is responsible for overseeing the overall implementation of the Protocol. It reviews progress, proposes modifications to the programme of work and reports to the Meeting of the Parties. It prepares the meetings of the Parties, oversees and directs the activities of subsidiary Protocol bodies and any other activities carried out under the Protocol’s programme of work.

Bureau of the Meeting of the Parties

The Bureau is composed of Parties’ elected representatives. It oversees programme execution and acts to facilitate and strengthen the Protocol’s implementation.

Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee is composed of independent experts with legal, health and water management background. It oversees conformity of Parties’ action with their obligations under the Protocol.