Transmission of infectious diseases in prison: the ARS training course begins

Training course – AUSL
12 and 24 October 2016, central Tuscany, Italy

Local health authority
25 and 27 October 2016,  north-west Tuscany, Italy

AUSL south-east
10 and 18 October 2016, Tuscany, Italy

The course aimed to strengthen the knowledge on the main infectious diseases present in detention facilities and on their transmission modalities.

Specifically, information was provided on the spread of viral hepatitis with particular attention to forms with A, B and C viruses, HIV and some airborne infections (tuberculosis and legionella). In the case of hepatitis B, the intervention focused on the importance of vaccination and on the incentive project (aimed at both the prison population and the health-care staff) initiated in all the detention facilities in Tuscany. The theoretical aspect was supported through the discussion of some clinical cases.

The course was aimed at health-care personnel and prison officers operating in the Tuscany region detention facilities and was divided into three different editions, for a maximum of 40 participants each.

For each area of reference, each participant was invited to choose between two different locations.