Webinar: Prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons: What have we learned?

21  July 2020, 16:00-17:40 CET

In 2020, WHO Health in Prisons Programme (WHO HIPP) has been working closely with Member States to respond to COVID-19 by developing an Interim Guidance on Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention and various related products to support countries in its implementation, including a checklist. As a result, Member States have been reporting their experiences gained during the pandemic. Also, WHO HIPP also been working closely with ECDC to set up a surveillance system to periodically collect a minimum set of indicators to monitor the evolution of COVID-19 specifically in prisons and other places of detention.

The webinar gathered a wide circle of stakeholders to:

  • present the WHO interim Guidance on Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention, highlighting its purpose, its main areas of applicability and most recent updates.
  • share country experiences gained from the pandemics and reflect on how these may be used to inspire good practices in different areas of activity, from prevention, to control, including essential services sustainability.
  • present the surveillance system developed jointly by WHO/ECDC and expand on its use to motivate countries to monitor the pandemic evolution in the prison setting.