Mental Health Europe (MHE)

Legal basis (mandates) and mission

An umbrella organization, MHE represents associations, organizations and individuals active in the field of mental health and well-being in Europe, including (ex)users of mental health services, volunteers and professionals. As such, MHE bridges the gap between its 88 member organizations and the European institutions, and keeps its members informed and involved in any developments at the European Union level.

MHE's work takes different forms. As the main mental health organization active in Brussels, MHE is committed to advocating for its cause, whether this takes the form of submitting amendments to legislation, consulting with the European Commission, forming alliances with other organizations or being part of expert groups. MHE also develops and coordinates its own projects and conducts and disseminates research. Working to inform the general public on the plight of people with mental health problems, MHE also cooperates closely with the media and is often featured in prominent media outlets in Brussels and beyond.