Santé Prison Suisse (SPS)

Legal basis (mandates) and mission

Commissioned by the Konferenz der kantonalenJustiz- und Polizeidirektorinnen und -direktoren (KKJPD) (“Conference of the cantonal directors of justice and police”), SPS will be integrated into the Schweizerisches Kompetenzzentrum für Justizvollzug (SKJV) (“Swiss competence center for the penitentiary system”) in 2018.

Topics of interest in the prison setting

Implementation of a good health care system according to the principle of equivalence in all penitentiary institutions (i.e. harmonization of processes and structures)

Strategic operations

  • Acquiring data concerning the existing health care models in the institutions (actual status) to create standard recommendations for health care in prisons and penitentiaries and support for the implementation (plan for the next two years)
  • Networking by enabling interdisciplinary dialogue between all groups and persons active in health care in the penitentiary system
  • Information/documentation/education

Role in prisons

  • National coordination office for prisons and penitentiaries concerning health questions
  • Partner for improving health care in prisons and penitentiaries for all Swiss institutions

Target groups

To reach the goal of attaining adequate health care for prisoners, SPS defined a five-level network model:

  1. Politics (Swiss Confederation, Cantons)
  2. Professional associations and competence centres
  3. Prisons and penitentiaries
  4. Science and research
  5. International

Geographic region of focus
