Evaluation of opioid substitution therapy in the Kyrgyz Republic (2009)




An evaluation of the Opioid Substitution Therapy programme in the Kyrgyz Republic took place from the 13th to the 17th October 2008. A delegation from World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe met with representatives of the Government, Drug Control Agency, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, UN agencies; international NGOs, staff of drug treatment services and NGOs. Focus group discussions and one to one interviews were conducted with injecting drug users (IDU) at several OST programmes.

The Kyrgyz Republic has successfully created a decentralized system of provision of Opioid Substitution Therapy both in specialized institutions and family medicine centers. Opioid Substitution Therapy is provided by the team of specialists in a comprehensive way and with links to the external sources of support provided by NGOs. Provision of Opioid Substitution Therapy through family medicine centers offers a potential of further integration of drug treatment of IDU with family medicine and further reduction of their stigma.