Kosice. Analysis of social determinants of health and health inequities – a multi-country event on approaches and policy.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe through its Office for Investment for Health and Development (WHO Venice Office) organized a multi-country event in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of P.J. Safarik University and the Kosice Institute for Society and Health (KISH), in applied research and policy analysis on social determinants of health and health inequities.

The rationale behind this event was based on the consideration that routine monitoring of health inequities and the social determinants of health are critical to improving population health and in reducing avoidable difference in health opportunities and risks. However, this area remains generally limited or marginal within health intelligence functions and mainstream policy practice.

The recent findings of the Global Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) strongly recommend the need for further investment in training of policy-makers and health practitioners in equity monitoring analysis and policy assessment techniques. The need for such investment has been further reinforced in The Tallinn Charter: Health Systems for Health and Wealth signed by the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region in Tallinn, Estonia in June 2008, and then globally endorsed through the signing and adoption of the World Health Assembly resolution WHA62.14 on reducing health inequities through action on the social determinants of health.


The main aims of the event was to:

  • Provide a forum for policy-makers, planners and analysts specifically from countries of central and eastern Europe (CCEE) the Baltic states and Balkans republics to debate, test and apply know-how, tools and practical techniques to monitor and analyse social inequities in health.
  • Strengthen and guide existing capacity and intelligence, in using evidence and analytical tools to advance national and sub-national strategies and targets to reduce social inequities in health.