Second joint meeting of experts on targets and indicators for health and well-being in Health 2020. London, United Kingdom, 3–4 April 2014




2014, iv + 16 pages
ISBN 978 92 890 5064 7

The meeting was convened to identify objective indicators of well-being to complement the subjective indicator already adopted for Health 2020. The participants recommended that objective well-being be assessed across four domains: social connections/relationships, economic security/income, natural and built environment, and education. They recommended:

  • two new core indicators: availability of social support for the domain of social connections/relationships, and percentage of the population with improved sanitation facilities for the domain of natural and built environment;
  • three core indicators already in Health 2020 monitoring: GINI coefficient and unemployment rate, disaggregated by age and sex, for the domain of economic security/income; and percentage of children of primary school age not enrolled for the domain of education; and
  • three new additional indicators: percentage of people aged 65 and over living alone for the domain of social connections/relationships, total household consumption for the domain of economic security/income, and percentage of the population having completed at least secondary education for the domain of education.