WHO delivers PPE and diagnostic instruments to support North Macedonia’s response to COVID-19


WHO donates a real-time PCR system to North Macedonia’s Institute of Public Health.

WHO has donated personal protective equipment (PPE) and diagnostic instruments to the Ministry of Health/Institute of Public Health to support North Macedonia’s national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of the outbreak, WHO has supported the country to ensure the health system’s preparedness for and resilience to the crisis.

The US$ 53 656 worth of medical supplies includes gowns, face shields, protective goggles, biohazard bags and technologies to diagnose COVID-19. The supplies will help to keep frontline health workers safe, strengthen national testing capacities, and bolster the country’s ability to prevent and respond to COVID-19.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded all of us of the heroic work that health workers do every single day. They are one of the populations at highest risk of being exposed to the virus. This is why WHO is proud to provide PPE for those who need it most, ensuring that they are protected while they do their job,” says Dr Jihane Tawilah, WHO Representative to North Macedonia.

Supporting protection and immunization

Since the beginning of the pandemic, one of WHO’s primary concerns has been to ensure health workers have access to PPE. Lack of equipment and proper training on how to use it are some of the factors that have contributed to infections among health workers. Strengthening national testing capacities will also significantly contribute to the COVID-19 response.

WHO has been assisting national health authorities with every complex aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic since it began. This has included assisting with the development of a national COVID-19 vaccination plan; supporting the temperature-controlled movement of vaccines; supplying equipment for large-scale vaccine storage; training health workers and vaccinators; and contributing to national immunization efforts.

WHO will continue to support North Macedonia’s response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, particularly regarding the effective reception and administration of COVID-19 vaccines, including those received through the COVAX Facility.