Guidance for conducting a country COVID-19 intra-action review (‎‎IAR)‎‎, 23 July 2020





An IAR provides an opportunity to review the functional capacity of the public health and emergency response systems at the national and subnational levels and to identify practical areas that need immediate remediation or can be targeted for sustained improvement of the outbreak response.

The purpose of a country COVID-19 IAR is fourfold:

  • to provide an opportunity to share experiences and collectively analyse the ongoing incountry response to COVID-19 by identifying challenges and best practices;
  • to facilitate consensus building among and the compiling of lessons learned by various stakeholders during the response to improve the current response by sustaining best practices that have had demonstrated success and by preventing recurrent errors;
  • to document and apply the lessons learned from the response efforts to date to enable health system strengthening;
  • to provide a basis for updating and validating the country’s COVID-19 strategic preparedness and response plan and other strategic plans accordingly.