WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (‎‎COVID-19-ESFT)‎‎: frequently asked questions (‎‎FAQ)‎‎, 24 April 2020




  • What are the key characteristics of COVID-19-ESFT?
  • Is COVID-19-ESFT an epidemiologic model?
  • What is the basis of the assumptions used in COVID-19-ESFT?


  • How can I get started with this tool?
  • What are the key tabs I need to interact with in order to correctly use the tool?
  • What do I need in order to use this tool to forecast essential supplies for my needs?


  • How can I model the COVID-19 essential supplies needs for a specific population?
  • There are many editable health system inputs, how do they work and what if I don’t know what to enter?
  • What are the contents within the Patient and Case Severity section?
  • How should I make use of the inputs under the Health Care Workers and Staff section?
  • What is the importance of the Hospital Infrastructure section?
  • How does a user forecast tests for COVID-19?
  • How does a user estimate the oxygen needs for COVID-19 case management?
  • How does a user estimate the necessary drugs and consumables for patient case management?


  • How do I estimate the expected number of cases per week?
  • How do the inputs for determining the forecast period work?
  • What should I choose as the testing strategy option?
  • What is the Testing Algorithm and how do I use it?
  • Where do I find the high-level results of the forecast?
  • Where do I find the full quantification of supplies that COVID-19-ESFT estimates?
  • Where did the $USD cost values come from and can I modify the line item costs?


  • What are the “Summary” tabs and how do I interpret the information displayed within?
  • What are the “Patient calcs” tabs and how do I interpret the information displayed within?
  • What are the “Reference data” tabs and how do I interpret the information displayed within?